Wednesday, December 5, 2007

When it rains, it tsunamis.

I've had so many intentions in the last month and a half, some related to this blog. But most of those intentions have drowned under the workload of being a first semester medical school student, or at least the interesting experiences I've had along the way.

I probably sound like a broken record, but I literally have to stop myself every once in a while, and enjoy the sites, the cool warmth at the beach, or just the picturesque views around campus and town, which easily get hidden by persistent preoccupation with relating which muscles attach to the greater trochanter, or which of the superficial veins passes posterior to the medial malleolus, not to mention how one might calculate the LOD score of a family with an autosomal dominant disorder based on a pedigree and a given rate of recombinance. And that's not even scratching the surface. Oh wait, what do I want to eat for lunch? Yeah - that's how it goes. And before you know it, it's time to go to sleep. This is best done at home, and not in the library, face down, on top of your laptop keyboard.

And then the alarm clock goes off, and you drag yourself out of bed, put the coffee on the stove, shower to wash the fragmented thoughts out of your hair, and start the day fresh. You try to do all this in time to beat the 9:00 AM heat wave. There is no rush hour here. But by nine, the temp is sufficiently high that you'll drown in sweat 10 steps out the door. That'll slow you down worse than any bumper-to-bumper back home.

Where was I? Oh, stopping for a moment...right. So, a few minutes ago, I looked at my watch, and it said Wednesday. Well, it didn't actually say Wednesday, but you understand. And at that moment, I stopped and realized that there was but a week left before I was completely done with my first semester. And then all the highlights rushed back, as if I were watching them in 2x Mediasite. The earthquake played back a bit slower, though. Anyway...

There is so much that's been left unsaid, unseen, and to tell you the truth... I have to go study.

So much time, so little to do... wait, strike that, reverse it.

2 comments: said...

You're amazing! :) Can't wait to see you!

Victoria Amparo said...


-tu hermanita