Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Arachnid Confrontation

The arachnids have REINFORCEMENTS! And I don't mean simply infantry, they have brought the big guys out.

This past weekend, after tolerating them way too long, I had decided to consciously try to do something about the number of spiders in my apartment. Earlier this week I took out the can of bug spray that turned out to be fogger, and while I read up on my intrinsic and extrinsic back muscles, treated the bathroom. Next, on a study break from the biochemistry chapter on proteins, I was sweeping and decided to have a non-chemical go at the group in the kitchen. The former was effective, of course, and left a pleasant odor of cardboard and baby powder in the air. The latter was also pleasantly to the point, taking out over 20 of the offenders.

Now part of me had been contented with this temporary victory, seeing for once, clean corners and edges in every room, and every ceiling. From spiders at least. The ants, those you can't beat. They are EVERYWHERE. That's a war I want to stay neutral from. Now getting back to the matter at hand...

They're repopulating the old battlegrounds, and developing new fronts. But I will OVERCOME!

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